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U is for Ujjayi

U is for Ujjayi. 

Ujjayi is a Pranayama practice which I would advise you learn with a teacher to start with. 

When done properly it creates a gentle wave like sound, hence being known as the 'Ocean Breath' A person walking past may be able to slightly hear the breath.  If it's too audible you may be tuning into your sympathetic side rather than the resting digesting side of the parasympathetic. 

Ujjayi is done with the mouth closed and the glottis slightly compressed. An easy way to access the Ujjayi breath is:

1 Exhale with your mouth open like when you're cleaning your glasses. 

2 Inhale the same way

3 repeat a few times 

4 continue exactly what you're doing but close your mouth

5 be sure to relax the intensity 

The list of benefits is huge, here are a few:

Improves sleep

Decreases anxiety & stress

Improves concentration 

Regulates body temperature 

Strengthen lung capacity 

Ongoing studies on benefits of thyroid balance 

The sound increases or draws our awarness to breath patterns we may be holding, we become more Embodied in our practice (asana or sitting) and over time may subconsciously start lettimg go of breath and even postural habits that don't serve you.

Our breath & nervous system are weaved together, we cannot access our nervous system but we can use our breath like a dial to energise or soothe by increasing/decreasing our inhale or exhale and even choosing to pause in between. The ujjayi sound will keep you tuned into your practice. 

Try these three practices to notice the different effects.

1 To soothe:    Sitting, inhale 4sec exhale 8sec

2 To energise: Inhale 4sec pause 2 exhale 4

3 To release:   Choose a forward fold option, Inhale 4 exhale 8

It's one of the few Pranayama practices that can both energise or relax & it can be done anywhere. The examples here could be done in an office or at home 😃

videos on how to ujjayi can be seen on my instagram.


Anna Lescourret
call: 07 82 18 17 14

Près de Navarrenx, je donne des cours hebdomadaires à Monein et Lay Lamidou et aussi sur Zoom à des clients de Pau et d'ailleurs. Pour les cours particulars, je suis capable de parcourir jusqu'à 30km.

Based close to Navarrenx, I give weekly classes in Monein, Lay Lamidou and on Zoom to clients from Pau and beyond.

For one to ones, I am able to travel up to 30km and I also offer one to one sessions online.

Vous pouvez retrouver mes cours collectifs et ateliers sur :

You can find my group classes and workshops at:

Ferme de Candeloup, Chemin Augas, 64360 Monein

Salles des fêtes, 64190, Lay Lamidou

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